Wednesday 28 March 2012

Inside the storm

Living here, on the south-eastern edge of South Africa, we experience some really wild weather. I once watched a black thing ooze over the sea from the west; it took about 10 minutes to reach us, and it was vicious. Add that to some real infrastructure issues, and power outages and interruptions in connectivity become a regular part of life. In fact, I’m on a first-name basis with the technician for our telecommunications parastatal. 

But little has come close to what we got this week: a massive storm that knocked out power for the night and internet connections for a couple of days. Our little village was literally inside that storm. Terrifying, exhilirating, spectacular. Fortunately, my grown-up boy-child is home for a while, and he’s pretty good with his camera. Here are some of his photographs:

Pics: CHE

1 comment:

  1. Ah, how I miss those Eastern Cape thunderstorms. Especially when its are drumming on a tin roof and you can hardly hear what other people are saying. I'm really loving your blog - it makes me very nostalgic for familiar turf.


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